律师杰夫·库林斯基和维姆·J. Kottukapally


为客户提供效率, 自1983年以来,在大大小小的法律事务方面具有丰富的经验和效率.

律师杰夫·库林斯基和维姆·J. Kottukapally
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交通 & 刑法条文



20世纪90年代出现了一种新型的骗子,他们专注于窃取你的身份. An identity thief obtains some piece of your sensitive information (Social Security number; bank and credit card account numbers; or your name, address and phone number) and uses it without your knowledge to commit fraud or theft.

如果你的身份被盗, you could spend months or years cleaning up the mess thieves have made of your good name and credit record. Some victims have been refused loans or even been arrested for crimes they didn’t commit.

身份盗窃在这个国家是一个如此严重的问题,以至于乔治·W·布什总统. Bush signed legislation this year giving consumers new protections against identity theft that includes free credit reports and a national fraud-alert system to minimize damage once a theft has occurred. 该措施还要求收据省略信用卡的最后数字, and that businesses black out social security numbers and debit card numbers on receipts.

通过监控你的财务账户余额来保护你自己. 查找无法解释的费用或提款. Be sure you are receiving your bills and order a credit report from any of the three major credit bureaus. (如果您的个人信息丢失或被盗, 在第一年更频繁地检查你所有的报告). 在你的信用卡、银行和电话账户上设置密码. 避免使用容易获得的信息,比如你母亲的娘家姓, your birth date and the last four digits of your social security number or phone number. Be sure to update virus protection software on your computer regularly or thieves could introduce program codes that cause your computer to send out files that are stored.

Don’t give out personal information on the phone or over the Internet unless you initiate the contact and be sure who you are dealing with because identity thieves pose as representatives of banks, 互联网服务提供商,甚至是政府的人. When someone asks for your social security number, ask why it is needed and how it will be protected. 因为身份盗窃是一个非常严重的问题, Comptroller Dan Hynes from the State of Illinois will no longer print social security numbers on checks.


The child Passenger Protection Act has been in effect in Illinois since July 1983. 1月1日修订, 2004, the law requires ANYONE who transports children in Illinois in non-commercial vehicles to do so in the following manner:

Children under the age of eight years old must be secured in an appropriate child safety seat including infant seats, convertible seats (rear-facing for infants and forward-facing for toddlers) and booster seats that are used with the vehicle lap and shoulder belt system. THE PARENT OR LEGAL GUARDIAN OF A CHILD UNDER EIGHT YEARS OLD IS RESPONSIBLE FOR PROVIDING A CHILD SAFETY SEAT TO ANYONE WHO TRANSPORTS HIS OR HER CHILDREN. 最初的违规行为将被罚款50美元. 随后的违规行为将被处以100美元的罚款.


The United States Supreme Court clarified the extent of police power in roadside stops. The Supreme Court held that officers can arrest and handcuff people even for minor offenses punishable by a fine. The justices ruled against a driver who was arrested and handcuffed for failing to wear a seat belt.

The justices stated that such arrests do not violate the constitutional protection against unreasonable search. 在5:4的裁决中, 这可能会影响到任何一个开车的人, the justices said that such an arrest does not violate the Constitution’s Fourth Amendment protection against unreasonable seizures. The ruling in this case barred a Texas woman from suing the officer who handcuffed her and took her to jail. A lower court had ruled that Gail Atwater could not sue over her arrest because the officer did not violate her constitutional rights.

Atwater was driving her two children home from soccer practice in 1997 when she was stopped by a police offer who noticed that the three were not wearing seat belts. Texas law allows police to make arrests for routine traffic violations, except for speeding. 警察逮捕了阿特沃特, 把她的双手铐在背后, 然后带她去了市警察局. 一个朋友照看她的孩子,她的小货车被拖走了. 阿特沃特的照片被拍了下来,她在交了保释金后被释放. She later pleaded no contest to the seat belt offense and paid the maximum $50 fine. 后来阿特沃特和她的丈夫, 迈克尔·哈斯, 起诉了市政府和警察, 称逮捕侵犯了她的宪法权利.

法官David H. Souter wrote for the majority: “The arrest and booking were inconvenient to Atwater, 但又不至于特别到违反第四修正案的地步.”


Any person who writes a check which is dishonored for lack of funds can now be sued in a small claims court or other civil court for the face value of the check, attorneys’; fees and court costs, 加上支票金额的三倍. 但是,三倍损害赔偿的上限为500美元. Written demand must be sent via certified mail by the holder of the check to the last known address of the person who wrote the check. There is a thirty-day waiting period following the written demand before suit can be filed.


如果你的大学生用假证件购买含酒精的饮料, he or she probably doesn’t know that his or her driver’s license could be suspended for up to four years. 一定要提醒你的孩子注意伊利诺斯州的新法律.


The Illinois House of Representatives has reversed course on a requirement that juveniles convicted of sex crimes register for listing as sex offenders. 最初, 一项法律于1月1日生效, 2006, providing that juvenile offenders must spend 10 years on one or both of the state’s two sex offender lists – a juvenile registry available only to school and law enforcement officials and-after turning 17-the publicity accessible registry.

This new bill would let a judge determine whether a juvenile sex offender has to register. The judge would be required to hold a hearing to determine whether an offender must register as a sex offender upon reaching age 17. 这项立法将不影响作为成年人受审的青少年, 他们仍然会被强制登记.

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